Poem with three language



First of all, Praise to God Almighty for the blessings of His grace, and that I was given the opportunity to be able to compile this assignment and I would like to say thank you to Mrs. Olga Dona Retsi, S.Pd, M.Pd as the lecturer that always teaches me and gives much knowledge about Translation. This assignment is one of the English tasks composed of Translation.

           I realized this assignment is not perfect, but I hope it can be useful. Critics and suggestions are needed here to make this assignment better. Hopefully, I as a student in English Education Program can work more professional in Translation, Thank you.

In Dayak Ngaju language:

Danum matae Sungei Kahayan

Kahayan  pambelum ikei pangkasulak hurane

Inenga awi Ranying Hattala

ngaliling kayu tuntang uru melai balikatae

danumae manenga ware kagunae

uka mandui hanangui, uka pukan uras tau keme

jia ulih ingesah  dengan kutake

ikau nyuhu ikei manentei aim

amun jadi ikei kakanih kate

jukung,  kalotok uras hanjak

Tapi wayah tuh ikei,,,

nampa ikau balua danum mate

Air mata Sungai Kahayan

In Bahasa :

Air mata Sungai Kahayan

Kahayan adalah kehidupan pertama kami dulu

Di beri oleh Tuhan

dikelilingi kayu serta rumput di pinggirnya

Airnya memberikan banyak manfaat

tempat mandi, tempat mencuci semua bisa

tidak bisa dijelaskan  dengan kata

membiarkan kami melaluimu

jika  kami bepergian

perahu,  kapal senang

tapi sekarang kami,,,

membuat mu menangis

In English:

Tears of the Kahayan river

Kahayan is our first life

Given by Ranying Hattala

surrounded by wood and grass at the edges

The water provided many benefits

a place for swimming, wash, and  everything

it cannot be explained in words

You let us through you

if we are traveling

ship and boat  are happy

but, now we are

we make you cry


  1. What a beautiful poem , teach us to respect nature around us. Especialy sungai kahayan. Semoga tetap lestari sungainya, alamnya kalimantan :)


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